$50 Million Breathing Room

By: Mr. Wilson on August 25, 2010
That went better than expected. The first arena bond sale resulted in a lower-than-expected interested rate, providing a $50 million savings over the lifetime of the bond. That's not a bad way to start. Now if we can just get construction and operation estimates to come in about 20% below expectations, and revenue to be about 10% above expectations...


See what your friends and neighbors have to say about this.

August 25, 2010 at 6:36PM

My favorite part of this is reading the comments at the LJS, where this is still viewed as terrible news and a sure sign our property taxes are going up a little.

Every time I read comments at the LJS, a little part of my brain dies.

holy hannah
August 25, 2010 at 9:11PM

I completely agree about the LJS comments. The first event held at the new Arena could include The Easter Bunny, Santa Claus, The Tooth Fairy and Jesus Christ, but somehow the commenters on the LJS would conclude the Arena is a failure.

Matt Platte
August 30, 2010 at 3:52PM

“a lower-than-expected interested rate”

I’ll be seated among that group.

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