38 Bucks

By: Mr. Wilson on November 18, 2005
38 bucks. That's all I have to pay for my hotel room each night in downtown San Antonio. As a bonus, the place is neither a roach motel nor a drug den (my parents have stayed there before). The last time I stayed in a hotel in a major city's downtown, my employer had to pay $160 per night. Hotel room supply must be far outstripping demand in San Antonio these days.


See what your friends and neighbors have to say about this.

Mr. T
November 22, 2005 at 5:18AM

*ahem* Thanks for hooking the rest of us Lincolnites up with the same connection *cough*.

Mr. Wilson
November 22, 2005 at 5:37AM

No special connections required. My father is the one who made the reservation, so I don’t know exactly which hotel it is. I do know he used the Choice Hotels website, though.

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