14 Things I Love About Lincoln

By: Mr. Wilson on February 14, 2008
In honor of Valentine's Day, in no particular order, my non-exclusive list of 14 things I love in Lincoln:
  1. Pioneers Park. Ahh, the fond memories of cross country races, sledding, and family picnics.
  2. The capitol building. Sure, you may giggle at the shadow it casts, but that place is awesome. Good job, Bertram.
  3. Bike trails. You can get almost anywhere in town, and they're plowed even before most streets are cleared.
  4. The variable weather. Consistently inconsistent is fun.
  5. Lincoln Children's Zoo. What parent with young children doesn't love this place?
  6. Lincoln Children's Museum. Ditto.
  7. Oso Burrito's fish burrito. Yum.
  8. Avante Card. You'll never buy Hallmark again.
  9. The carousel at Gateway. Everybody smiles at you when they see your kid having a good time on the carousel.
  10. The Huskers. Yeah, sometimes it gets a bit over the top. But with football, volleyball, baseball, soccer, and basketball (et al.), my sports needs are met.
  11. My family. What can I say, I'm a momma's boy.
  12. Val's, Runza, Amigo's, Taco Inn. It may be mediocre chain food, but it's our mediocre chain food, darn it!
  13. Lincoln Marathon. It's so cool how so many people show up to cheer for wacky, sweaty people.
  14. The people. Sometimes they're awesome, sometimes they're turkeys, but they're always entertaining.


See what your friends and neighbors have to say about this.

February 14, 2008 at 4:50PM

Not having children I can’t argue with several of your choices.  However, loving Val’s, Runza, or Amigos makes me concerned for your health. 

I would include Lee’s booksellers a great independent bookstore.
I would also include the Zoo Bar.  A very un-Lincoln type place that has endured for many years.

Mr. T
February 14, 2008 at 5:39PM

As an elaboration on your last point there, the thing I really love about Lincoln is that one can roll out of bed and head straight out shopping on the weekends, look really crummy, and blend in with everyone else because no one cares how they dress. The lack of pretension here is great.

February 14, 2008 at 6:19PM

Mr. T, that’s a very “glass is half-full” way of looking at it. I appreciate that this morning!

Mr. T
February 14, 2008 at 6:32PM

I don’t mean to suggest that Lincolnites are slobs. They are just very unpretentious in terms of physical appearance, especially on the weekends, which is something I like. Case in point: Russ’s Market at 17th and Washington.

February 14, 2008 at 6:42PM

Right. I was just appreciating that you didn’t say “slob,” which a lot of people say. It’s an over exaggeration in my opinion.

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