10/11 Makes Some Changes

By: Mr. Wilson on August 10, 2009
Lincoln's CBS affiliate KOLN (10/11) is making a few changes. First, they have changed their web address to 1011now.com. As one might expect, the switch is being promoted as a user-friendly move. Meh, maybe. I prefer the old address (kolnkgin.com) myself, but probably just because that's what I'm used to typing. I'm a man of inertia. If they really wanted to go with something short and descriptive they should have opted for 1011.tv, which just happens to be available right now. Among the reasons cited for the switch is "search engine optimization". I actually chuckled a little bit when I read that. It's a bit of industryspeak that web developers throw around to impress clients. While the url swap may help a little bit, there are a host of changes that could (and should) be made to the website to really make a difference. The best move, in my opinion, would be a ground-up redesign. In other 10/11 news, Jeff Korbelik reports in this morning's LJS (not online now online) that as of today 10/11's news broadcasts are in high-definition. Sweet! Oh wait, I still have a crappy 4:3 standard definition television. Drat. How are things looking on your end, KLKN?


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August 10, 2009 at 2:10PM

I read Korbelik’s piece this morning too - it seems like he hasn’t been watching. Although not in true high-def, they’ve been widescreen for several weeks. I’m not a fan of their newscast whatsoever (can anyone get some caffeine into John Vanderford, stat), but visually, it was a stunning change and makes channel 8 (which I prefer by a mile) look that much worse.

I don’t think the folks at channel 8 even know how to utilize the equipment they have, let alone trying to go HD or widescreen. It always has the look that I would say is the visual equivalent to muffled sound. It’s just not crisp or clear. And the sound isn’t either. Their on-screen graphics are what I would expect if you gave kids with crayons the ability to do on-screen graphics. Huge letters, lots of color, but not much to look at.

It’s a throwback to watching KNOP out of North Platte. Although I saw KNOP recently, and it looks better.

Mad props to 10/11 - they were the first station to go wide and even beat all the Omaha stations. Keep up the good work!

August 10, 2009 at 2:50PM

Seeing KLKN’s Denice Pelster in HD in the mornings wouldn’t be a bad thing, that’s for sure.

August 11, 2009 at 9:27AM

Checking out the new web site I had to do a double-take.  I cannot understand why most of the sites in Lincoln do NOT allow comments on the stories.  If one looks around at other cities there are places for comments.

There is STILL too many conservatives in Lincoln that run things.  The Journal Star is a great case in point.  No comments can be posted for people that have been arrested.  They also seem to pick and choose which stories anyone can comment on.  I suppose that’s trying to keep the complaining to a minimum.  But I wonder when Lincoln will join the rest of the REAL world…...Just my opinion…...

Dave K
August 11, 2009 at 1:26PM

Yeah, because the LJS is stacked with conservatives.  LOL!

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