Young Professional Group

By: Mr. Wilson on February 16, 2007
Cindy Lange-Kubick points out an ad in the Journal Star from YPG: Lincoln's Young Professional Group. The ad reads: "Highly organized and motivated young professionals are coming together to form an intrepid group with one goal: redefine Lincoln". Anybody know anything about the group?


See what your friends and neighbors have to say about this.

Dave K
February 16, 2007 at 3:04PM

Mr. Wilson, I sent you an email that I got last year about the group.  It seems to be in the development stages still, but there seems to be pretty decent participation already.  I have not been to any of the events in the email.

February 16, 2007 at 3:28PM

I’ve gone to some of their mixers; they’ve set up some committees and will be having a big kickoff event March 8.  YPG now has a Web site up and running at (which, unfortunately, has practically no content on it at the moment).  I’d forward you the email I got about the March 8 event if I had your email address. 😛

Also, contrary to CL-K’s speculation, the YPG predates the 2015 Visioning Group by a year or so and, to the best of my knowledge, has no connections with it whatsoever.

Mr. Wilson
February 16, 2007 at 3:29PM

Come to think of it, maybe I have heard of them. I didn’t remember YPG being the name of the group. Any YPG’ers out there have more info for us?

Mr. Wilson
February 16, 2007 at 3:33PM

Oops, you snuck in just ahead of my Swid. Thanks for the URL. You’re right, not much content so far.

As for my e-mail address, you can reach me at mrwilson at lincolnite (not rewritten out in full for spam prevention purposes).

February 16, 2007 at 9:57PM

A friend of mine went to a mixer at the Venue.  If I’m not mistaken, it is connected somehow to the Lincoln Chamber of Commerce or the Lincoln Partnership for Economic Development.

Kendra Waltke
February 16, 2007 at 10:47PM

I’ve been to most of their mixers which have been, so far, just networking socials juiced with a few cocktails. They draw a crowd of maybe 100 people, I’d say, mostly the suits crowd. I hear the group is modeled after the Lincoln Hobnobbers (sp?) but whatever else that club was, it was before my time.

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