Yet Another School Proposal

By: Mr. Wilson on October 10, 2007
If you haven't already had your fill of Dawes- and Hawthorne-related proposals, Keith Prettyman has another one for you: keep Dawes open while Goodrich undergoes renovations. I don't frankly care which route the School Board chooses. I want them to pick the option that creates the most efficient and effective school system possible. Problem is, nobody seems to be able to describe with any clarity how any of the proposals -- including retaining the status quo -- achieves that goal. There are lots of lofty claims, but very little substance. In fact, the only claim anybody has made that seems to hold any water is that neighborhood schools offer benefits to the local area over larger, more distant schools. Until somebody starts providing facts that clear up the uncertainties around the various school closing options, it's going to be very difficult to support closing Dawes and/or Hawthorne.


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