Wow! I’m Not Impressed

By: Mr. Wilson on December 14, 2007
Say so long to Linc FM (105.3). It is now Wow! FM. Bah. I prefer the whimsical dude with the recognizable voice who always had something to say between tunes. The "new" Wow, on the other hand, sounds like the most generic station you'll ever hear. Plus, the music seems to be directed at a slightly older audience. Damn. This totally screws up my station rotation in the car.


See what your friends and neighbors have to say about this.

December 14, 2007 at 4:14PM

What the hell is going on with Lincoln radio stations? I can’t say I enjoyed the guy’s between-song banter on Linc FM, but at least the music was tolerable at times.

I don’t have a go-to station to listen to anymore, so I’ve been playing more CDs or listening to AM.

Pity. Lincoln ought to be able to put together one decent station that doesn’t play the same old stuff over and over or, worse yet, play Christmas music for months on end.

Lincoln Gardener
December 14, 2007 at 5:47PM

Try UNL’s student-run station, KRNU 90.3 FM. Truly diverse, mostly alt/indie stuff, some good shows on specific genres. You won’t hear the same five bland top 40 songs every two hours. And the DJs are still raw, but not nearly as bad as back in the day when I was in school.

Mr. T
December 15, 2007 at 1:30AM

By in large, I would agree with the proposition that college stations can be quite good. Some of the DJs have interesting tastes, and others not so good. The problem with KRNU of course is the relatively small reception range. Same thing with KZUM, although they have more power and reach. Some of their programs are really good - better than KRNUs - while others I sort of dislike.

But overall, I much prefer internet radio (or “radio-like” services like Pandora). When someone can do a really good job bringing streaming internet radio to a mobile device that does not cost a fortune, I will be all over that.

December 15, 2007 at 2:43AM

I have only listened to Wow in the car, but so far to me it sounds like Linc with a few additional ‘60s songs. What’s the point of a total identity change if the playlist is barely any different?

December 15, 2007 at 7:28PM

I could be totally wrong, but I seem to recall seeing something awhile back about Three Eagles Communications “owning” more stations than was allowed by law.  I believe Chapin Enterprises temporarily bought Linc FM from Three Eagles to make everything legit, but planned to sell the station.  I haven’t heard or read anything lately, but my guess would be they sold it officially, and the new owners didn’t plan to change much other than the name.  Just a guess…

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