Who Needs Rock When You’ve Got Talk?

By: Mr. Wilson on October 5, 2007
95 Rock -- formerly 95.1 on your FM dial -- is dead. In its place say hello to ... 95 Talk! Woohoo! Well, ok, I'm not actually all that excited. Talk radio on FM? Yawn. Not that it made sense to have two classic rock stations in town owned by the same company. On the plus side, 95 Talk played some awesome transition music this evening: a techno version of the instrumental theme -- not the pop song -- from The Neverending Story. No really. Instantly, my 1993 Ford Tempo turned into a giant, flying white dog. I raised my arm in the air as I shouted, "Falcor!". Together Falcor and I swept through the air and scared all of my old elementary school bullies. Then ... wait, what was I talking about again? Oh yeah. 95 Rock is dead. 95 Talk is born. Whoop.


See what your friends and neighbors have to say about this.

October 5, 2007 at 4:26AM

95 Talk?  This is the worst Rocktober ever…

October 5, 2007 at 5:05AM

Doesn’t “Rocktober” seem like such a no-brainer for an October of rock? CD 105.9 is calling their ROCK-oriented OCTOBER “You-tober.” That’s so awkward it’s almost like a parody of catchy word-combos. I think I’d rather hear “Oct-you-ber” or even “October for You” than “You-tober.”

October 5, 2007 at 2:14PM

The biggest problem with losing cracker radio (KRKR 95.1) is the replacement 92.9 The Eagle has the Bob and Tom show in the morning.  Stupid, mean spirited, juvenile comedy is not the way I want to start my day.

October 5, 2007 at 3:18PM

Remember back in the early 90s when the Eagle was awesome? Joe and Timmo in the morning, then that guy with the high-pitched voice during the day. And they would play classic rock songs that you didn’t hear constantly. I remember I listened to the Eagle almost exclusively for a few years as a kid, and I didn’t know what “Stairway to Heaven” was.

I don’t think you could listen to a classic rock radio station these days for 45 minutes without learning what “Stairway to Heaven” is.

October 5, 2007 at 4:27PM

I can’t bring myself to listen to 92.9 in the morning because Bob and Tom are on - which doesn’t give me a lot of other choices. I’m seriously thinking about investing in satellite radio now. I think the radio station changes are ruining Lincoln radio.

Talk radio on FM? Unbelievable.

October 5, 2007 at 5:38PM

Neal, I think that was Bill Barker during the day. Either that or I have my early and mid-90’s confused.

KFMQ used to be the greatest radio station on earth back in the day. :(

October 5, 2007 at 8:18PM

Yes - Bill Barker is right. I apparently had trouble remembering that uncommon name “Bill.”

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