Where in Lincoln is this? 100th Edition

By: Mr. T on July 5, 2010
Here are 15 locations around town. Whoever can identify the most pictures, will win a $40 gift certificate to their choice of either The Oven, Misty's, or Lazlo's. Plus, they also get a $10 gift certificate to Ivanna Cone. Sounds like a pretty nice meal to me! Here are the rules: Rule 1: Be precise. You have to clearly show us that you know where this is. Rule 2: You can only submit one set of answers. Submit your answers to whereinlnk at hotmail dot com by 9 AM Saturday, July 10th. Just list your answers: "Picture 1 is.... Picture 2 is....." and so on. Rule 3: In the event of a tie, the winner will be the person among the tied people who emailed us first. Good luck! ************* EDIT: Wow, this was much harder than I thought! Here are the 15 locations: 1. This was the brick arch at Union College (apparently there are a few on campus...identifying any of them counted as a correct guess). 2. The fountain right by old city hall in the middle of downtown. 3. This was the field out at Air Park Recreation Center. 4. The fountain in between the Cooper Y and Bess Dodson Walt Library. 5. The "wind spirit" sculpture on Centennial Mall. 6. This was College View Seventh Day Adventist Church across the street from Union College. 7. This was pretty hard. It was the basketball courts at UNL East Campus behind the dental building. 8. The 10th Ave viaduct looking south towards the stadium. 9. This was the historic South Telephone Exchange building at 1957 Sumner street, in the heart of the Near South neighborhood. 10. Yes, it was indeed BryanLGH West's conference room. 11. This was an easy one - the old armory building. 12. The Golden Shear at 25th and Sumner. 13. LNK Airport. 14. This is known as "The Porch" on UNL's East Campus. 15. This is the inner courtyard at Bennett Martin Library. And the winner - with 8 correct guesses - is........The madman of meat: Chris! AKA the West A Dad. Woohoo! I hereby declare Chris to be the King of Lincoln! Good going Chris. Zip me an email and we'll take care of you. Thanks everyone for playing! image image image image image image image image image image image image image image image image image image image image image image image image image image image image image image


See what your friends and neighbors have to say about this.

July 5, 2010 at 5:09PM

In Number 2: I’m pretty sure I’ve seen those corncob hats at Memorial Stadium, so I’m going to guess there.

July 7, 2010 at 1:26PM

Picture #4 is the fountain in front of Cooper Y and picture #10 is the Conference Center at BryanLGH West

July 8, 2010 at 3:35PM

I had got a dream to make my organization, however I didn’t earn enough of cash to do this. Thank God my close fellow said to take the loans. Thus I used the collateral loan and made real my dream.

July 8, 2010 at 8:25PM

This sounds wonderful. I hope you will come back every day and tell us more!

July 13, 2010 at 9:07PM

#8 seems to be north 10th and X street looking SW

July 14, 2010 at 12:31PM

I didn’t think I stood a chance with some of the smart folks who play this game.

How about a donation to the Food Bank in lieu of a prize? You know I eat pretty well as it is. 😊

It was fun racking my brain on the locations I couldn’t figure out.

Mr. T
July 14, 2010 at 5:20PM

Ahhhhh, excellent idea! The King is indeed a noble fellow!

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