Where in Lincoln is this?

By: Mr. T on October 3, 2011
image image Good going Nikkidemas! It was indeed the chairs outside of Stauffer's Cafe & Pie Shoppe on St. Paul and 48th. I have only eaten at Stauffer's one time before, probably over five years ago. It's due time for another visit. Now, according to the rules of this game (yes there are rules. this is not 'nam), because Nikkidemas has successfully guessed two consecutive weeks of Lincoln photos before, this means that she now has to be first to correctly guess three weeks of photos in a row in order to win the next prize: a $50 gift card. And yes, this feat has been accomplished successfully before. Good luck Nikkidemas!


See what your friends and neighbors have to say about this.

October 3, 2011 at 4:26PM

Is it here?

October 4, 2011 at 2:05AM

Northwest corner of 48th and St. Paul Ave., Stauffer’s North.

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