Where Else Could it Go?

By: Mr. Wilson on December 12, 2007
One of the complaints about UNL's plan to take over State Fair Park and turn it into a research park is that the plan isn't bold enough. State Fair Park is too small, the argument goes. The problem is, where else could it be placed? It needs to be fairly close to campus in order to have maximum value. What other options are there? The options are few:
  1. The rail yard south of West O would be great. Except for all those tracks.
  2. Somewhere off Highway 77. That land will be pretty expensive, though. Access would be easy, but the distance is getting up there.
  3. Airpark or the vicinity. Access isn't nearly as good, but it'd be a nice boost for the neighborhood.
None of those options seems any good. Should this be a case of "If you can't do it right, don't do it at all"? Or should we make the best of what we have (thus requiring the move of the State Fair)?


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