Welcome to the Big Leagues, Scott Brothers

By: Mr. Wilson on July 8, 2008
The Scott brothers, through WRK LLC, have been making a lot of noise lately, so it's not at all surprising that they are taking some hits. In this case Councilman Jon Camp took some swings with regard to WRK's Haymarket hotel/office/retail project. Camp charges, in part, that the Scotts are biting off more than they can chew. We all should proceed with a little caution with regard to WRK lest we get so wrapped up in the excitement the company is generating that we don't notice or ignore signs that the wheels are about to fall off. To the extent that's what he is doing, Mr. Camp is in the right. On the other hand, Mr. Camp needs to be careful not to turn care and caution into cynicism and contempt. The attitude ought to be "Can we make this work, and how?", not "How many things are wrong with these ideas?" To me, it feels like Camp is unnecessarily negative about the hotel project. Considering his pro-business background, I would think Camp would normally be expected to support this sort of idea. And maybe he does; perhaps he's just using a little tough love to get the project up to snuff. That's not what it sounds like, though. What do you think? Is the hotel project a winner? Are the Scotts up to the challenges they've set before themselves? Is Jon Camp appropriately cautious or excessively critical?


See what your friends and neighbors have to say about this.

July 8, 2008 at 3:04PM

I could be wrong, but this and other Haymarket-related City Council discussions in the past (his no vote on widening the sidewalks and the hissyfit about the First Friday chalk are two examples over the past few years) only furthers the perception that Camp views the Haymarket as his personal fiefdom and any plans for the area that don’t align with his vision are not to be trusted.

July 8, 2008 at 3:24PM

I’m a small business owner and I constantly wonder how large of a project I should do.  But that doesn’t mean I should get grilled in my local paper.

Here is the best part of the article: Councilman Doug Emery said he hoped in the future such questions would be asked in “a less public forum.”

Then if concerns are not answered to satisfy the city council, bring them up in a more professional way.

July 8, 2008 at 3:44PM

It’s encouraging to see that our elected leaders are keeping a watchful eye on things and not just gaga over developers’ plans.

I think Camp raises legitimate points that should be discusses (parking, TIFF, etc…). I’m glad the council is asking the questions.

I was a bit surprised to hear of the Scotts’ hotel plans. But if they can pull it off, they have as much right as anyone else to compete for business.

I suppose I am a little more skeptical now of their motives with the arena development and I’ll be curious to see how arena decisions might benefit them personally.

July 8, 2008 at 6:26PM

I’m not privy to any of their stuff, but just reading it in the paper, I would agree that they seem to have bitten off a lot in the past few months. Time will tell if they can chew it. I don’t always trust Jon Camp, and I don’t think he asks questions in the best way (still, he looks like a saint next to Robin E.), but I think his concerns are valid.

July 9, 2008 at 12:15AM

It’s rare that it happens, but I totally agree with Camp on this one.

And I think if your latest project is getting $1.8 million in handouts from the city, you should be subject to a little public scrutiny.

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