Welcome Prophylactic Fans! Here’s What to Do in Lincoln

By: Mr. Wilson on September 14, 2007
The Trojans are coming to town. Will the Huskers stand tall and tear through the Trojans' protection, implanting the ball safely in the end zone? Or will the Men of Troy dull the Husker attack and send the Big Red limping from the field? USC fans in town for tomorrow's game might be wondering what to do in a backward little place like Lincoln. Here are a few things to try:
  • Dine at Bread & Cup, at 8th and S in the Haymarket (just southwest of Memorial Stadium). I haven't been there, but everybody I know who has says it is excellent. It's not your usual Nebraska dining establishment.
  • What's that? You want a more typical Nebraska eatery? In that case, head out to Lee's Chicken at 1940 W. Van Dorn. Just say "Number 3, all white meat, baked potato, sour cream, salad with Dorothy Lynch, and a large order of onion rings". Bon appetite!
  • If you brought your kids, take them to the Lincoln Children's Zoo (27th and Capitol Parkway), Morrill Hall (on campus, east of Memorial Stadium), and the Lincoln Children's Museum (Downtown, 14th and P).
  • Two great but unheralded pep rallies take place tonight: at Misty's (6235 Havelock Ave., 7:30pm and 8:30pm) and Grandmother's (70th and A Street, 10:00pm and 11:00pm). Pep bands, cheerleaders, screaming fans, and lots and lots of alcohol.
  • Don't forget that ESPN Game Day is taping in Lincoln tomorrow. Memorial Stadium's tates open at 7:30am for the 8:00am start.
  • Feeling homesick? Drive on I-80 and I-180 coming into town tomorrow. The heavy traffic will make you feel right at home.


See what your friends and neighbors have to say about this.

September 14, 2007 at 2:36PM

If they want to eat a great Lincoln place they should hit The Steak House.  That is by far the best steak in Lincoln.

September 14, 2007 at 3:08PM

I predict that they will laugh uproriously at our precocious game day “traffic” tomorrow.

And don’t tell them about the Children’s Zoo - we are hoping to avoid the hubub by going tomorrow morning. 😉

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