Weather Radios and DTV

By: Mr. Wilson on March 5, 2009
[NOTE: The following is a contribution from Lincolnite regular nikkidemas. - Mr. Wilson] What do weather radios have to do with DTV? See "Emergency Situations" here: If you're one of the Lincolnites who rely on cable or satellite service to receive DTV (meaning you don't have a converter box or digital-ready TV), you may want to invest in a a means of getting DTV over-the-air, or a weather radio. I certainly hope it never happens - but in the event that a tornado takes out cable service, those viewers won't be able to get any televised weather information from digital TV stations. Remember, ALL stations will be digital by June 12th. Lincolnites will have to rely on radio & the sirens...unless you've got functioning wireless internet & a good surge protector for your laptop in your bunker 😊 And as much as I would love to say that DTV is perfect & everyone who has a converter box now gets crystal clear reception...I would be lying. There are going to be kinks that are being worked out for the next few months as more stations switch & viewers adjust. In any case (cable/antenna/satellite/hermits in shacks with no TV), if you have a smoke detector & a carbon monoxide detector, you may want to look into adding a weather radio to your collection. They're pretty cool now & you can program them to only wake you up in the event of warnings in certain counties. That way you won't lose sleep if Hall County has a thunderstorm.


See what your friends and neighbors have to say about this.

March 5, 2009 at 3:04PM

They’re switching to WHAT on June 12th? 😉

West A Dad
March 5, 2009 at 3:15PM

I have trouble getting “DTV” reception during storms since switching over last fall. Severe thunderstorms are the worst but even a good rainshower will disrupt the signal. 

It’s going to be interesting. Hello KFOR….

Mark Taylor
March 5, 2009 at 4:04PM

Hello back from KFOR! We’ll be here when the skies get dark! Thanks for the vote of confidence. Make sure you have fresh batteries!

West A Dad
March 5, 2009 at 4:51PM

I’m a bit of a weather nut, during a storm the tv volume is off, the radio is on KFOR and the computer is on this.

March 5, 2009 at 8:42PM

I think weather radio’s are a good idea regardless of what TV service you have. But especially now that the DTV transition is in flux.  I suspect that the 100% dependability of DTV will be in question for a while until technology improves.

Plus people also have to remember if they have small portable TV’s in their storm shelter that they will be obsolete once the digital transition happens.

March 6, 2009 at 4:02AM

Hi Mark!!

Eric S
March 8, 2009 at 4:24PM

Personally I think the best solution is to go to your car, open the window, and drive towards the loudest sound…

Oh wait that’s not right, maybe THAT’S why my girlfriend yelled at my last tornado.

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