Water Sports on Salt Creek

By: Mr. Wilson on September 17, 2008
Today, Deena Winter tells us that at the recent arena open house at Memorial Stadium, visitors were asked to rank various amenities that may or may not accompany the arena project. Some of the items include baseball and soccer fields, a radio control car track, a BMX track, and so on. But one item really caught my eye: kayaking. Wha?! Kayaking on Salt Creek? That would certainly be amusing to see. Presumably they're really talking about expanding water sport options on nearby Oak Lake. If so, the tentacles of the West Haymarket redevelopment project are reaching farther and farther, and the thing hasn't even gone up for a vote yet. EDIT: Mr. T tells me he's seen kayakers in Salt Creek. Huh. That's not the first body of water I'd want to hop in, for a whole host of reasons.


See what your friends and neighbors have to say about this.

September 17, 2008 at 4:20PM

With all the rain we’ve had this year I think it’s possible to paddle Salt Creek. You might have to portage some shallow parts though.

West A Dad
September 17, 2008 at 6:10PM

of the treatment plant.  I’ve a friend who kayaks the creek frequently.

September 18, 2008 at 1:26PM

twice in the last year I’ve seen people tubing in that ditch thing that runs under 27th and normal and then past the zoo.

Mr. Wilson
September 18, 2008 at 1:30PM

Show some respect! That “ditch thing” is Lincoln’s prized Antelope Creek, which is the showcase of the Antelope Valley Project. Sheesh, “ditch thing”. You’re going to make Wayne Teten cry.

September 18, 2008 at 2:56PM

sorry, I calls em as I seez em.

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