Water Costs Money

By: Mr. Wilson on September 7, 2007
The NU Regents approved a plan to outfit all NU housing with fire sprinklers by 2017. I know what you're thinking: Why wait ten years? You already know the answer, of course. Money. $16 million plus, to be specific. In the grand scheme of things, $16 million is a relatively manageable, though big, chunk of change. Problem is, if NU diverts that money from other areas to speed up the process, which areas should be cut? That isn't a rhetorical question. Raising tuition is all but off the table. Getting more money from the Unicameral would be extremely difficult. That leaves taking pieces from the existing budget. So if you think the process of installing sprinklers in NU's residence facilities should be sped up -- I do -- where would you get the money to pay for it?


See what your friends and neighbors have to say about this.

September 7, 2007 at 3:53PM

They’ll probably start by not filling faculty positions and retaining that salary savings to pay for this. Spreading that over 10 years isn’t all that unreasonable-budget wise.

Mr. T
September 7, 2007 at 6:26PM

In 10 years, corn ethanol will make Nebraska one of the richest states in the country. Funding public services won’t be a problem.

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