Watching the Game

By: Mr. Wilson on December 18, 2008
Where is everybody watching the game tonight? I can't decide if I want to just watch it on my dad's fancy-pants television, or if I want to be among the crowds -- and the ice -- at one of Lincoln's 19,282 sports bars. Knowing me I probably won't decide until this evening. Huskers in 3!


See what your friends and neighbors have to say about this.

December 18, 2008 at 3:00PM

I’ll take precautions with this huge storm we’re supposed to have tonight, but does all of the hype make anyone else chuckle a bit? We shall see…

December 18, 2008 at 3:27PM

Somebody on a website in Omaha came up with a hilarious formula for estimating the snowfall. Take the number of inches Jim Flowers predicts, minus the number of days in advance he predicts it, then divide by two. That’s how much we’ll end up with. 6 inches forecast for 4 days from now? That equals 1 actual inch of precip.

I love how the Omaha guys predict Armaggedon with every system that heads our way. Invariably, when we actually get dumped on, it’s after they suggest a dusting or light snowfall.

I also love how, on those rare occasions when they nail the forecast and are exactly right, they’ll brag about it for days after on the newscast, and actually run commercials to tell you how right they were. In fairness, I’d like to see that effort when they are wrong.

Mr. Wilson
December 18, 2008 at 3:37PM

I’ve long thought about setting up some sort of application to track weather predictions and compare them to the actual weather, then create some sort of algorithm to grade the various forecasts. I should really do that some day…

December 18, 2008 at 3:40PM

Sounds like fun. Before you do that, do you still plan to turn back on that feature where new posts since the last visit are highlighted in yellow? I LOVED that. 😉

December 18, 2008 at 6:53PM

Or as Bill Geist on CBS Sunday Morning program once called it “Accu Hunch” weather.  Every station has some name for their super doppler whatever.  KLKN cracks me up with their “ESP” weather.

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