Vote for Mommy

By: Mr. Wilson on February 7, 2008
Chelsea Clinton will be in town today to campaign for her mom. She'll be on the UNL campus at the Union at 2:00pm, then she'll head to the Coffee House at 3:00. I could be wrong, but I can't help but feel like sending in her daughter isn't enough to get Clinton above the 30% mark in Saturday's caucus. Michelle Obama will be in town on Friday to campaign for her hubby. No details have been announced.


See what your friends and neighbors have to say about this.

Dave K
February 7, 2008 at 2:58PM

I use to dream for the chance to meet her when I was 13 and had an epic crush on her.  Nowadays she looks way too much like her parents, and her presence on the campaign trail is kind of foolish since she’s been told she can’t answer any questions about her parents.

Mr. T
February 7, 2008 at 3:18PM

HRC seems to be temporarily out of steam. Let’s see…in this week alone she pulled a Mitt and wrote herself a check, some of her staff are going unpaid, and since the polls closed on Tuesday, Obama has raised 7 million. Ouch.

Don’t get me wrong, she and “Bubba” are still a formidable machine on the national level, but right now Barack has the momentum. And there is no way in hell a pit stop by Chelsea will help her out in a significant way in Nebraska.

February 7, 2008 at 3:39PM

Everything said above is spot on.

I’m certain the only reason they are sending Chelsea is so that the last name Clinton will get mentioned in local media the same day the name Obama is. The coverage will be less, the stop certainly means significantly less, but that Clinton name in the same new cycle will help them all the same.

February 7, 2008 at 4:18PM

I don’t know, I think things are a lot worse for Hillary Clinton than she’s letting on. She won the east coast and California mainly, which is basically what Kerry won in the 2004 elections. Her opponent can probably when the upper midwest, the south, along with the east coast and California.

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