Vision, But No Voice?

By: Mr. Wilson on March 13, 2007
About a week ago I told you that I wrote to the 2015 Vision Group requesting some of the raw data from the surveys they collected at their community meetings. I'm disappointed to report that I haven't heard a peep. They are under zero obligation to give me the data I requested, but it reflects poorly on the Group that they couldn't even be bothered to tell me to buzz off. The 2015 Vision Group needs to convince the community that they are working with us, not above or around us. A faux pas like this isn't going to help them do that.


See what your friends and neighbors have to say about this.

March 13, 2007 at 11:44PM

Have you tried contacting individual members of the group? They might better direct you or know a specific person to contact, rather than the whole group. Try Harvey Perlman at the University. Historically at least, he’s pretty responsive to emails.

Mr. T
March 15, 2007 at 3:36AM

Any feedback yet? Kinda lame there isn’t a response from them. Must be too busy at the country club.

Diane K
March 15, 2007 at 2:05PM

The lack of a response doesn’t suprise me in the least. The 2015 Group isn’t really interested in public input, nor the general public’s needs and desires. The meetings were a carefully controlled show, so they can later say (as they did with the AVP) that the public had input and somehow that gives everyone’s blessing on what they’re doing.

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