
By: Mr. Wilson on January 10, 2007
One thing I like about Deena Winter's column in the Journal Star is that her style presents the news, but she also tells a story. Take her column in today's paper. As I read it, I couldn't help but feel uninspired by the Council's approach to solving the City's budget problem. Ms. Winter could just as easily have summed up her entire article thusly:
The Council met on Tuesday to discuss the City's impending $9 million budget shortfall. The Council took no action and will meet again on the topic in two weeks.
Fortunately she didn't go that route. Instead, through quotes and her own use of language ("The council got distracted..."), those of us who can't attend the meetings get a good feel for the quality of discourse at the meeting. By the way, kudos to Dan Marvin for his handout describing how he might go about finding the missing $9 million. My praise isn't contingent on his ideas being any good; I just appreciate that he went on record and put real ideas on paper. Good for him.


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Dave K
January 11, 2007 at 12:13AM

I like her also.  She’s probably the best LJS reporter.  Not saying much, I know, but she’s been excellent.

As for the council addressing the budget gap, what a joke!

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