Tuesday is Trash Day!

By: Mr. Wilson on April 8, 2008
I don't know how many other Lincoln households get excited about Tuesdays, but we here at the Wilson house sure get bubbly. Today was no different. Why the excitement? Why, Tuesday is trash day, of course! I know, that doesn't sound like cause for jubilation, but I assure you it is. For many weeks now Robbie has taken to stationing himself on the back of the couch, watching out the front window for the arrival of the big white Uribe Refuse truck. And when it arrives ... "BIG TRUCK TAKE TRASH!" Robbie gets so animated you'd think Clifford the Big Red Dog had just strolled through the yard. For the past two weeks, a younger guy has noticed Robbie in the window. He always takes a second to stop and wave, which really gets Robbie going. "BYE!" he'll holler while waving like mad. As the mornings get warmer, I'm sure Robbie will want to station himself on the front porch to watch the action. That will really be a thrill. The joy of trash day lasts throughout the week. Over the past week, each night as I said goodnight Robbie reminded me "big truck take trash". "Today is Thursday," I would tell him. "Trash day is on Tuesday." And Robbie would drift off to sleep, no doubt having fantastic dreams a la "Trash of the Titans". Yesterday, Robbie and The Missus went to the Y, as is their routine. Inside the childcare area, Robbie's friend Ty looked glum. "What's wrong, Ty?" asked The Missus. "It's Monday," he replied. "I wish it was Tuesday, cuz then my dad would be home". Robbie's ears perked up. "TUESDAY?! BIG TRUCK TAKE TRASH!" As you can see, Robbie often speaks in capital letters. And so, with yet another trash day gone by, we anxiously await the next one. Come back soon, trash men!


See what your friends and neighbors have to say about this.

April 8, 2008 at 2:57PM

As I read the first paragraph I thought, “Seems like Mr. Wilson has taken to drinking in the morning.”

The story was funny!

April 8, 2008 at 4:06PM

Tuesday is BIG TRUCK TAKE TRASH for me as well.  Unfortunately I missed the trash guys for the 3rd time straight.  We had to start filling the yard waste receptacle.

Mr. Wilson
April 8, 2008 at 4:19PM

Robbie will be happy to give you a call next week to remind you.

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