Tom DeLay…..damn….

By: Mr. T on March 27, 2005
Interesting article here. One wonders if he would have liked to have had his dad's tragic death turned into a political circus and international headline news?


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Mr. Wilson
March 28, 2005 at 5:52AM

I noticed a similar article just a bit ago. It isn’t fair, of course, for us to try to guess DeLay’s motives in the Schiavo case, but one can’t help but wonder. The spokesman’s response was typical—“That was totally different” sez he. Well yes and no. It was different: medicine was different, the injuries were different, the level of life support was different. And yet it wasn’t so different at all.

In any event, methinks Mr. DeLay isn’t going to like having this bit of his history dug up and thrown all around the news.

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