Time Machines In Lincoln?

By: Mr. T on October 7, 2008
I stopped in at Fred Wilson Jewelers earlier today to confirm what I had feared....my old Ellesse watch of 14 years had finally dropped dead due to internal water damage. Condensation had finally made its way inside through the seal. This watch had a lot of sentimental value to me. I purchased it in Singapore a long time ago on the famous Orchard Road, and have worn it virtually everyday since then. One of the problems I have had with it however is that being an Italian-brand name watch sold in Singapore, replacement parts and repairs are hard - at times impossible - to come by here in Lincoln. Now its a rusting piece of junk inside, so I won't have that problem anymore. If anyone has good tips for a vendor in town that sells watches - or just tips on good watches - please drop me a note. I'm looking for something under $120, preferably water resistant to a certain degree, made by a "known" manufacturer for which repairs and replacement parts would be easy to find, with a solid warranty, and something light enough to go jogging or swimming with, but also wear it to the office.


See what your friends and neighbors have to say about this.

October 7, 2008 at 8:02PM

makes a several lines of auto movement watches that fall into that price range. A lot of them are divers, but there are others that are more dressy and less chunky. Citizen makes several Eco Drive watches that are in the 150.00 range, but you can usually find them cheaper.

October 7, 2008 at 8:08PM

I used to work for Orvis when they had a store in St. Louis, and they sell lots of different watches.  I’ve been wearing one of theirs for 5 years now.  Still working perfectly.


Their warranty is this:
“We will refund your money on any purchase that isn’t 100% satisfactory. Anytime, for any reason.”

We even refunded money on some fishing equipment we knew was stolen. 😊

Not in Lincoln, but on-line is everywhere.

October 7, 2008 at 11:07PM

Timex. Takes a lickin’, and keeps on tickin’ ...

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