Three Years in #LNK

By: Mr. Wilson on August 7, 2012
Just over three years ago the #LNK twitter hashtag was born. Shortly after that I announced the creation of, a very simple website that collects and displays tweets that include the hashtag. Since's creation, folks have used #LNK in their tweets over 78,600 times -- or over 71 times per day. The hashtag gets used in all kinds of different ways, some more appropriate than others. But all in all it has been a great thing for local Twitter users. To celebrate's 3rd anniversary I've created a simple stats viewer. With it you can view user rankings, tweets by individual users, and tweets by date. You can discover, for example, that I'm the 19th most prolific user of the #LNK hashtag, with 516 tweets. Or you can see what happened on April 14, 2012 to generate 411 #LNK tweets -- the most for a single day. I know many of you aren't into Twitter, and I can certainly understand why it's not for everybody. Nevertheless, the data collected by seems pretty interesting to me. There's lots of fun stuff buried in there. Give it a look when you have some time.


See what your friends and neighbors have to say about this.

August 7, 2012 at 7:53PM

Cool stuff!

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