Things I Don’t Miss

By: Mr. Wilson on December 16, 2008
I miss a few things about college. Not among them: final exams. Of course, final exams mean the semester is almost over. Semester break, combined with holiday vacations, will soon leave the UNL campus all but vacant and Downtown Lincoln sparsely populated. I hate to think about it, but I wonder if all the Downtown businesses will be there when the workers and students return. I get the impression that at least a few Downtown eateries, for example, are struggling. A couple weeks of significantly decreased business isn't going to do them any good. On a more positive note, today's snow has put me in a wonderful mood. The temperature could certainly be higher, but I love looking outside and seeing fresh snow. Drive and scoop / shovel / snowblow safely!


See what your friends and neighbors have to say about this.

Dave K
December 16, 2008 at 6:28PM

For me, finals were a lot like beating your head against the wall.  Sure, it’s painful, but it feels so good when they’re done.  Especially in college, what else do you have to do for three weeks but party and see your friends who are back in town for semester break. 

I actually miss the all-nighters during dead week and finals week.

December 16, 2008 at 8:05PM

Too bad Mr. T is missing out on all the snow. :(

Mr. Wilson
December 16, 2008 at 8:14PM

I am certain he is absolutely devastated to be missing out on the cold and snow. He is currently suffering through a nighttime low of 69 degrees. Poor sap.

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