They’re All Big Boys Now

By: Mr. Wilson on August 14, 2012
All three of my kids are in school today. Joey is a 4th grader at Zeman, while Robbie and Keishor, are in 1st grade and kindergarten at Elm Street Schoolhouse -- also known as our kitchen table. They're growing up quickly. Robbie, for example, shocked the hell out of me the other day when he read me an entire book. I mean, I knew he was learning to read. But watching him read an entire book by himself won't stop catching me offguard any time soon. I wish the best to all your little (and not so little) munchkins starting up school today, and a hearty good luck to all the teachers, administrators, secretaries, and other school personnel out there. Here's one for you. My mom works in the office at an elementary school in town. How many clueless parents do you think will come in after today asking when the first day of school is and how they get their kid(s) enrolled? It happens every year, believe it or not.


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August 14, 2012 at 4:33PM

My wife and I had that exact conversation while driving by the new school the other day. The enrollment number has jumped around, and we wondered how many would just show up on day one and ask how to register. That would drive me crazy.

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