The Senate Election is Today. Who Wins?

By: Mr. Wilson on September 11, 2007
Chuck is out. Bruning, Johanns, and Kerrey are (probably) all in. If the election were held today, who would get your vote? Your preferences aside, who do you think would actually win?


See what your friends and neighbors have to say about this.

September 11, 2007 at 1:55PM

My vote would go to Johanns, and I think Johanns wins. That said, I did not live in Nebraska when Kerrey was gov and actually was a resident of the state so I’m not sure just how popular he was/is. I don’t think Bruning has a chance.

September 11, 2007 at 1:58PM

If Johanns runs, Johanns wins easily. If he stays out, Bruning wins in a dog fight.

September 11, 2007 at 2:25PM

I would vote for Kerry.  I extremely dislike Bruning and I am not a fan of Johanns.  A Kerry vs. Johanns race would be interesting to watch thought.

Dave K
September 11, 2007 at 3:04PM

Johanns would get my vote today and any day. He has excelled at every leadership role he’s taken on, and has always represented his constituents well. I’m sure as Senator it would be no different.  Kerrey is the only person that has a chance against him but I’m pretty sure the Republicans can effectively brand Kerrey a carpetbagger (has anyone seen Kerrey in Nebraska since he left for New York?).

The odd man out is Bruning.  He came out firing at Hagel, I think because he assumed Hagel would run and that would leave Johanns out.  Johanns being in (assuming so) gives Bruning a fight he can’t win. 


But if Johanns doesn’t run then Bruning should get the Republican nomination, and a slugfest will ensue.  There will be unprecedented national attention and dollars pumped into the race regardless of who is running, since it now becomes a Republican seat up for grabs.  This may be the first time I get actively involved in a campaign.

September 11, 2007 at 3:58PM

I would vote for the guy who uses the most buzzwords like:

- Nebraska values
- traditional values
- American values
- family values

I just cannot get enough of those meaningless statements. 

Bonus points if you drive an American truck.

September 11, 2007 at 4:45PM

I really hope Bruning gets the nomination. As much as I usually disagree with pitting amateurs against professionals, it will be fun to watch Bob Kerrey smack him around.

September 11, 2007 at 4:46PM

BorK, I have lots of traditional American Family Nebraska values. And I drive a Dodge.

Mrs CU
September 11, 2007 at 5:34PM

I don’t like Bruning; never have.
I like Johanns, but he’s too much of what I’d call a “mouthpiece.”
What I like about both Hagel and Nelson is that they are willing to look at a situation and vote against their party line if they feel the party line isn’t what’s right.  At this point Kerrey would get my vote because he has the brains to vote for what’s right.  I think he could win if he ran.

Dave K
September 12, 2007 at 1:07AM

lol @ the Bruninghate 😊

September 12, 2007 at 2:54AM

“Hate” is a bit strong.

I look forward to hearing what the folks running make themselves appear to be.  Will it be rhetoric, empty promises, or catchphrases?  A little honesty would be welcome, but I doubt we will ever evolve from the current marketing of our leaders to appeal to the masses.

I can already smell the commercials.  mmmmmmmmm…....

September 12, 2007 at 2:55AM


will you protect me from the homosexual Mexican terrorists illegally crossing our borders, burning our flags, ruining our marriages, and unplugging our brain dead women?  If so you get my vote 😉

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