The Hottest Cold Drinks in Town

By: Mr. Wilson on July 10, 2008
I admit it, I'm a smoothie fanatic. I could drink the darn things all day, every day. That's why I don't let myself have them very often. But when I do ... mmmm. Who has the best smoothies in town? My current favorite is Juice Stop, and NuVibe comes in second. But honestly, I haven't shopped around very much. I'm sure I am missing some good options out there. The places I'm most likely to miss are those that don't explicitly specialize in smoothies, but I've probably missed some smoothie-centric joints as well. Where are your favorite places to get a smoothie in Lincoln? What chains do you wish would come to town?


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July 10, 2008 at 1:43PM

I had a strawberry limeaid from Sonic after some mega shopping.  The chunks of strawberry that kept getting stuck in the straw made me wish it was a smoothie :(

The sea turtle on the taco bell commercials for the fruitista freezes is cute, but I am really scared to go there.

Mr. T
July 10, 2008 at 1:46PM

I rank Juice Stop up there among the best I’ve ever had anywhere for price and quality. I’m a fan of the ice and sorbet base.

Can’t say the same for some of the chain places that use syrup instead of actual fresh fruit to flavor their smoothies.

I believe Cold Stone also has smoothies (at least in other locations) but I have not tried them before.

July 10, 2008 at 2:36PM

NuVibe, hands down. I like the drinks, the people, the atmosphere, and the location.

My favorite place for drinks, is, easily, Sonic. The ice, the styrofoam cups (sorry, environment; hello deliciousness), the fact I can get some lime dropped in there (although it sucks that you now pay extra for lime).

Dave K
July 10, 2008 at 3:29PM

I like NuVibe over Juice Stop.  Their smoothies taste like they aren’t all sugar.  They may be all sugar, but at least they don’t taste like it.  Sometimes I feel like I’m drinking syrup at Juice Stop.  I guess I haven’t been to JS in a few years, so maybe they have changed since back then.  NuVibe’s protein smoothie is fantastic and is a fairly close second to mine.

I tried a Cold Stone smoothie last week, and it was awful.  Their smallest size was $4 and it was about half the size of a regular Juice Stop.  The taste was way off; it could have been one of the ‘boost’ things, but I didn’t ask for one so who knows.  The other person with me said the same thing about his.  Cold Stone is trying to be healthier, which is made clear by their moving the smoothies to the center of their menu board, but they are failing miserably.

July 10, 2008 at 3:57PM

Who want healthy at an Ice Cream place.  I want yummy terrible for me Ice Cream!!!!!!

Mr. T
July 10, 2008 at 5:02PM

The most refreshing summertime drink has to be fresh squeezed orange juice, some crushed ice, and a dash of salt (especially after exercising or in extreme heat). It is the best.

July 10, 2008 at 8:00PM

Although I had a peach smoothie at Sonic and was very pleasantly surprised that a fast food joint could come up with something that tasted like it had real peaches in it.

For pure refreshing summertime drink try a Gin Mr. Misty.  Pour a liter of diet tonic, a liter of gin, and the juice from six fresh limes in a gallon ziploc bag and leave in the freezer for two days.  Yummmmmmm

July 10, 2008 at 8:05PM

Heck yeah dude.  I will take you up on that.

July 10, 2008 at 10:38PM

I noticed a Runza billboard today that was touting Runza Smoothies.  Are those new or have I just not been paying attention?

Mr. T
July 10, 2008 at 10:58PM

I’ve seen them around for a while (at least earlier in the year).

jake rhymes with cake
July 11, 2008 at 1:34AM

i think Lincoln needs a Jamba Juice… i know they are a corporate nightmare (blah blah blah), but they have an awesome product and pretty much super healthy—they stare clear of High Fructose Corn Syrup, and everything is fresh and not concentrated.

if we could ever get a Trader Joe’s here in Lincoln (anyone want to join me in a partnership?), they have some awesome smoothies too.

but locally, Juice Stop tops my list.

July 11, 2008 at 1:55AM

aint you folk got blenders?

Oh I kid

Karin Dalziel
July 11, 2008 at 2:46PM

Amen to both Jamba Juice and Trader Joes. I just got back from vacation in California and miss Jamba Juice already. But Juice Stop is pretty good too. 😊

Rage Kage
July 14, 2008 at 5:36AM

I am very picky about my smoothie choice. I agree on the trader joes and jamba juic - total necessity. I can’t wait to move back to the east coast just for those. Juice stop is by far the best in Lincoln, but I still hate that a lot of it isn’t actually real fruit. I tend to opt for Naked juice, which is ridiculously expensive, but it is 100% fruit. Fruit blended. That’s it. I work in a restaurant though, so often I just get whatever is laying around and throw it in an industrial blender. Get out my home blender? Yeah…. right…..

Mr. Wilson
July 14, 2008 at 7:00PM

The link isn’t going to work properly because they use an illegal character in their URLs. Try this link instead.

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