The Guns on the Bus Go Bang! Bang! Bang!

By: Mr. Wilson on January 12, 2007
Sorry folks, but if you plan to wait at a Star Tran bus shelter, you'll have to leave your weapons behind. New "No Weapons" stickers have popped up at bus shelters across town. I can't say it boosts my confidence in public transit to see a sticker like that as I board my bus.


See what your friends and neighbors have to say about this.

January 12, 2007 at 6:03PM

I am sure the stickers have appeared in accordance with the concealed weapon ban that took effect on January 1, 2007.  All of the Lincoln YMCA facilities now have signs on display, while there are ZERO past incidents I am aware of.  I am sure it is meant only to remind people of the law, not to scare; nor does it suggest that folks were carrying weapons in that place, previously.

Mr. Wilson
January 12, 2007 at 9:12PM

I am sure it is meant only to remind people of the law, not to scare

Sometimes ignorance is bliss 😊

January 12, 2007 at 10:31PM

I went to college in North Carolina, and it was always pretty funny to see such signs on the doors of fast food restaurants, grocery stores, drug stores, etc.

When you first move somewhere or are visiting, it makes you do a double-take.  Sort of, “Why do people have to be told not to bring guns into Bojangles?”

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