The Fiction In My Mind

By: Mr. Wilson on February 4, 2011
I don't often comment on criminal trials here at Lincolnite. But the Dallas Huston murder trial is just too unusual to pass up. Huston's defense is unusual: he invented multiple personalities as an "experiment", and he fessed up to the crime as part of a "performance" designed to get himself arrested and sent to the Regional Center. Or something like that. I would love to have been in the room when Huston explained all of this to his attorney. Or how would you like to be on the jury and have to try to understand Huston's line of thinking? There's even more strangeness involved than that, so if you haven't followed the case you might want to sift through some of the Journal Star's other stories on the case. I can't help but think that one of the many cop dramas on television will one day feature a storyline related to this case. It has "made for TV" written all over it.


See what your friends and neighbors have to say about this.

Matthew Platte
February 4, 2011 at 2:43PM

Um, I think you meant to say it has “made *from* TV” written all over it.

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