The Big Cheese is Coming

By: Mr. Wilson on December 4, 2007
No, not Santa Claus. President Bush will be in Omaha tomorrow to campaign for soon-to-be-Senator Mike Johanns. I love the irony of the man Chuck Hagel considers to be among the worst presidents in history campaigning on behalf of the man who would replace Hagel in the Senate.


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Dave K
December 4, 2007 at 2:52PM

Jon Vermeer is a genius.  If only you didn’t have to be a political science professor to come up with this intuitive analysis: ”...unless the Democrats can come up with a notable candidate for this race, this could be a slam dunk for Johanns.”

December 4, 2007 at 3:40PM

Ranks up there with the sports guy at the top of the broadcast suggesting that the team that scores the most points today will likely win the game.

What’s next from Captain Obvious - a study indicating that smoking is bad for you?

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