The Basics of Beutler’s Budget are In

By: Mr. Wilson on July 3, 2008
The Journal Star has posted a summary of Beutler's budget proposal today, plus a slideshow with a few more details. I don't have time to really analyze the budget, but here are some quick, top-of-the-head reactions:
  • Closing Bennett Martin at 6:00pm instead of 9:00pm is a bummer, but few Lincolnites will notice, much less complain.
  • Spending $150,000 on (yet another) study -- this one a study of fire and rescue coverage -- will be very unpopular. I won't be surprised if that item disappears. Or heck, I'll do a darn good job for only fifty grand.
  • The $25,000 for a graffiti removal program is easy money to cut. It's pretty easy to say that neighborhood associations could do a better job for less money. Whether or not that's true across the city is a whole other issue.
  • I can't believe Beutler wants to spend $610,000 -- a whopping one-third of the budget shortfall -- on his bizarre new home subsidy program. The proposal completely baffles me. This item -- the entire thing -- should be shot down, dismembered, burned, buried, dug up, shot again, encased in concrete, and thrown into an active volcano. *poof* The budget shortfall is down to a cool million.
  • The proposed property tax increase of fifteen bucks on a $150,000 house is a relatively easy sell. That's not to say Lincolnites (or the City Council) will buy it. But it's doable.
  • I don't doubt that the City Council will say there is still fat left to be cut from the budget. I look forward to seeing what they can find.


See what your friends and neighbors have to say about this.

July 3, 2008 at 8:38PM

Great stuff. So how do you feel about the home subsidy idea?

Mr. T
July 3, 2008 at 9:22PM

I think a one cent levy increase (at a minimum) is very reasonable, especially given the fact that staffing is being cut while the city grows and fuel costs are going through the roof. Good job Mayor!

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