The Airport’s New Strip Mall

By: Mr. Wilson on July 15, 2008
The City Council on Monday approved a redevelopment plan that will ultimately result in an "upscale" strip mall at the I-80 airport exit. It's hard to complain too much about a $2.2 million investment in the airport vicinity, an area that could certainly use some TLC. On the other hand, there's that $300,000 in tax increment financing (TIF) that the developers will get to play with. I'll be curious to see exactly what constitutes an "upscale" strip mall, and if Speedway Properties can keep the storefronts occupied. Isn't Speedway the outfit that owns all the (nearly) empty commercial space just west of 9th and Van Dorn? If so, I can't say I'm enthusiastic about their ability to match a project with a location. On the other hand, if they can latch on to all that I-80 traffic, they're golden.


See what your friends and neighbors have to say about this.

July 15, 2008 at 6:45PM

Isn’t “upscale strip mall” an oxymoron?

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