That’s Not Best Buy

By: Mr. Wilson on December 7, 2011
Some store called Ulta Beauty is opening next to Trader Joe's at SouthPointe. I would've let that news pass by, but I know plenty of folks have been longing for a Best Buy at SouthPointe and when I saw that a new store was opening next to Trader Joe's I thought maybe this was it. Nope. Better luck next time, Best Buy fans.


See what your friends and neighbors have to say about this.

December 7, 2011 at 3:08PM

In case you haven’t driven by it lately, it looks like someone is FINALLY moving into the old Gordman’s bldg at 43rd & Vine.  The sign says something like “STANLEY Healthcare Solutions”.

Matt Olberding
December 7, 2011 at 3:32PM

Anybody hoping for another Best Buy shouldn’t hold his breath. Plans are to downsize the existing one. The company has been advertising space in that store on national commercial real estate sites for months.

Mr. Wilson
December 7, 2011 at 3:53PM

I’m still hoping for a Best Buy but I have no idea why. I very, very rarely shop there, and when I do go inside it’s usually just to get a hands-on perspective on something I’m going to buy online. I loved the place years ago, but these days? Meh.

Brian Fitzgerald
December 7, 2011 at 6:46PM

They may have only been hopes and rumors but I had heard about both Best Buy and Apple as interested parties for that ghost town mall next to Kohls at 27th and Yankee Hill. That was a two or three years ago now and of course there is currently nothing there now but some Woods Brothers’ offices.

December 7, 2011 at 8:44PM

Hit up best buy last Sunday morning to get mario kart 7.  i was expecting it to be packed with holiday shoppers, and it was a ghost town.  In and out in no time at all.

Mr. T
December 7, 2011 at 8:55PM

I know I’ve mentioned this before, but I believe Costco owns land around that area.

Mr. T
December 7, 2011 at 8:57PM

Service at best buy is mediocre at best. Seriously, some of those kids don’t give a damn about you.

Errandbug Restaurant Delivery
December 8, 2011 at 3:50AM

Have not been there in years…there is this thing called the internet and Amazon.  It is awesome…open at like 3am and a day or two later it shows up at my house even with paying 2nd day shipping costing less than that store. 

And with the service that Schaefer’s and Home Depot offers with their appliances…can’t say I really have set foot in Best Buy shopping for myself in well over 5-6 years. 

...but agree with Brian…something needs to get moving on the 27th & Yankee Hill complex before it starts to look bad.  There is that place over in Pioneer Woods where the health spa used to be, interesting how it looks old now that weeds were allowed to just sprout up around that very attractive building.

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