That’s a Colorful Turkey

By: Mr. Wilson on July 7, 2007
The Missus was running in the area around The Knolls this morning when an older gentleman hollered at her. "Hey!" She turned and looked, but kept running. "Hey, come here for a second." Yeah right. Hot chick in a sports bra + strange dude = tragic made-for-TV movie. She kept running. "Wanna see something neat?" Now she's really not going to stop. This guy is reading straight out of the How To Be a Freaky Dude handbook. "Look, there's a peacock in my yard!" OK, now he's just delusional. There's no way there's a ... What the hell? There was a peacock in his yard. The Missus stopped and talked to him for a while. Turns out, the peacock had been there all morning. Where did it come from? Who knows. Maybe it came from the zoo. Or maybe somebody was keeping it as a pet. While she stood there and talked to the man, Animal Control arrived and herded the peacock into the truck. And that was that. I know there have been turkey sightings in that neighborhood, and even the occasional deer. But a peacock? That's a new one.


See what your friends and neighbors have to say about this.

July 14, 2007 at 10:39PM


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