Tell Me About La Paloma

By: Mr. Wilson on July 9, 2008
While trying to figure out where The Missus and I should eat on our weekly Wednesday date night, I asked Mr. T for suggestions. He threw La Paloma into the mix. I didn't really feel like taking a drive tonight -- La Paloma is at 13940 East O Street -- so at first I passed. Then Mr. T pointed me to a menu. Almost instantly my eye was drawn to the description of the Rio Rancho Burrito:
Combination burrito stuffed with our famous New Mexico Chile. ...
Woah. New Mexico Chile? I love that stuff, but the only place I've been able to find anything like what you can get in Albuquerque is Cristina's in Crete. Could it be that La Paloma will help fill my green chile fix? I don't know if The Missus and I will end up at La Paloma tonight, but we will go there, and soon. I'm already salivating. Have you been to La Paloma? How do you like it?


See what your friends and neighbors have to say about this.

July 9, 2008 at 8:48PM

It’s ok, but just doesn’t seem to be the same as it was in the haymarket.  Good, but worth the drive…not sure…

July 9, 2008 at 9:44PM

we just love the canned diced green chilies and the flavor they add to stuff.  I would guess fresh made would rule though.

July 10, 2008 at 5:59PM

We have been there a couple times, it isn’t bad.  I recommend the Enchiladas Verde.

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