Talking Up the Arena

By: Mr. Wilson on November 13, 2008
Yeah yeah, the economy is in the pooper. What what better time to build a new arena? No, seriously. Better we plan this thing in lean times because it will help keep our plans humble. If we can make a big project work in lean times, it'll soar when we're fat and sassy. Fortunately, the Huskers are on board. We have Tom Osborne's word. I'm not sure next spring's vote would have passed if Osborne had committed to fixing up Devaney. Actually, even now I'm not nearly as confident in the vote today as I was a few months ago. I think it will pass, but that could easily change if bad local news were to emerge in the spring. Two additional Haymarket-related notes. First, have you seen the latest renderings of the arena and surroundings? Slick! Second, there's talk of moving events like Ribfest down to the arena. For general festivals and events that's great, but for something like Ribfest that's a perfectly good way to kill the lunch crowd. I wonder what proportion of Ribfest's business comes from lunch?


See what your friends and neighbors have to say about this.

November 13, 2008 at 8:43PM

I like the updated design.  Much better than the previous one.

I sure hope this works out.

November 13, 2008 at 9:57PM

I got a call from the org or something when they had the meeting at pershing asking me to come down and participate.  Anyway I was being silly with the guy mentioning Nugent fans using my yard as a restroom.  He was thankful for a non monotonous call.

To me it all comes down to parking.

I am not really one of those NIMBY’s, I just hope something I would actually go see swings through sometime cuz my proximity to it can’t be beat.

Mr. T
November 14, 2008 at 2:41AM

I have often wondered if downtown workers would be likely to walk down to the Haymarket for events like Ribfest. I think they probably would for special events if they were of the caliber of Ribfest or the Celebrate Lincoln festival. However, I’m not sure how often they would make use of a more “regular” attraction like say, a new library.

November 14, 2008 at 2:52AM

I gladly hit the main downtown food area from the capitol, but walking to the haymarket would cost about 20 minutes and like effort or something.  Heck Misty’s seems too far.

Mr. Wilson
November 14, 2008 at 2:59AM

I think it’s a stretch to imagine that there would be any more than a trickle of walking traffic to the Haymarket. UNL employees consider O Street a journey, for Pete’s sake. A quick and frequent bus would probably help; Lincolnites have shown a willingness to tolerate StarTran in limited quantities for special events.

November 14, 2008 at 3:36PM

I work in the Haymarket. We always walk over to Ribfest for lunch at least one day. No biggie. But then, there’s no motivator like BBQ.

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