Staying Home

By: Mr. Wilson on December 11, 2007
OK, folks, who is skipping work today? And of those, how many of you actually plan to go out and run errands later today? It looks like pretty much every student in Lincoln gets to stay home today, except for the poor, unfortunate souls at UNL. I'm a little surprised, honestly. Over the past few years UNL had started to cancel classes for flurries. Maybe Chancellor Perlman realized he was starting to get carried away. My commute down the stairs was about the same as usual this morning. How are the roads? I noticed that the city bus didn't have any difficulty flying down the street this morning, and the guys from Uribe Refuse didn't appear to be slip-slidin' around. Presumably the City had plenty of notice to get de-icer down ahead of the storm, but I'm not sure how much ice that stuff can take. The Missus is probably going to be upstairs baking all day. It's what she does in crummy weather. If you have a sweet tooth, stop on by.


See what your friends and neighbors have to say about this.

December 11, 2007 at 2:55PM

I work at UNL and it’s usually canceled for more than flurries. It’s been canceled about once a year lately and usually for good reason.

I’m sure the fact that it’s finals week has something to do with UNL not being canceled.

December 11, 2007 at 2:57PM

Driving was nothing.  Kinda a mush that is actually better than the slick packed down snow.

Walking around downtown was pretty much the same as driving.  Them kids got lucky today I say.

December 11, 2007 at 3:16PM

I’m here at UNL- the bus was only a few minutes late. And it’s warmer here than at home anyway. 😛

I thought it was dead week this week? I think finals are next week.

Dave K
December 11, 2007 at 3:20PM

I rode the bus today, and it was only 20 minutes or so behind.  I wasn’t so much worried about the drive to work as I am the return trip home.  A couple inches of snow on top of what we already have could be a nightmare.

December 11, 2007 at 3:25PM

I made it to work fine today.  Just slushy once I got out of my neighborhood.  I gave my two office mates the day off since one lives in Sterling and the other in Ceresco.  I was worried about not having coverage while I went to lunch but lo and behold the UPS guy just deliverd a Hickory Farms gift pack from out insurance broker.

Now I am presented with a moral dilemma. Since I took one for the team and came to work today do I have to tell the others they missed out on the goodies?  Or, do I eat it all and hide the empty box in the dumpster?

December 11, 2007 at 3:31PM

You are correct, Karin!

December 11, 2007 at 5:42PM

Eat them all and then tell them thats what happens when they don’t come to work!  😊

December 11, 2007 at 7:09PM

The family is settling in for a long winter’s nap… closely followed by outings to try to finish up the Christmas shopping. Cars have been driving by on South Street at speed limit since early this morning.

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