Sprucing Up Lincoln’s Walls

By: Mr. Wilson on February 19, 2009
I am a couple days late to this, but I just noticed that Leora Platte, the artist who painted the mural in Mr. T's latest Where in Lincoln? post, left a couple comments on that post. I'm not sure why but I have always loved murals, and even good graffiti. I guess I just like my walls to have a little personality. Anyway, one thought led to another, and soon I began to think about how neat it could be to have a new "Tour de Lincoln" -style event, but this time feature murals instead of bicycle sculptures. There are plenty of walls around town that could use a pick-me-up. You know what would really make me happy? If the grain elevator operators around town were to get on board with the plan. A life-sized "Godzilla Eats Lincoln" mural would really draw some attention, don't you think?


See what your friends and neighbors have to say about this.

February 19, 2009 at 3:36PM

Painting a grain elevator is very, very expensive.  I know one that would love to be painted if someone has a plan on how to pay for the paint.

Mr. Wilson
February 19, 2009 at 4:06PM

Step 1: Hang a “No Graffiti Allowed!” sign on the grain elevator.

Step 2: Accidentally leave some ladders, ropes, and pulleys lying around.

Step 3: Wait.

February 19, 2009 at 4:48PM

That one is right by my house.  There is a bunch of tagging around the area.

February 19, 2009 at 6:35PM

It’s killing me that I can’t find the link (or have time to search for it), but…

I saw a cool local news story from out-of-state, in which a neighborhood with a graffiti problem invited local artists (including graffiti “artists”) to adopt a storage shed.  Each artist was assigned a garage door in the facility as their canvas.  The results were beautiful, & it gave the graffiti artists an outlet in the process. 

I think that would be another cool way to add some outdoor art to Lincoln.

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