Speeding Along on the Interstate

By: Mr. Wilson on August 9, 2007
Lately there have been a few crashes on I-80 near the Platte River. As a result, the speed limit in that area is being lowered. But that news isn't very interesting. What caught my eye was this:
Drivers frustrated with delays caused by the work zone probably will be happy to hear construction may end sooner than planned, [Nebraska Department of Roads spokeswoman Mary Jo] Hall-Oie said. "We're hoping it could be done yet in December of this year as opposed to fall of next year," she said.
That would be some ten months early, give or take a couple months. If true, somebody buy those construction workers a box of donuts! Do you think we could get that construction crew on the O Street bridge replacement project?


See what your friends and neighbors have to say about this.

August 9, 2007 at 9:38PM

My big problem around that area is that there are several places where the lanes aren’t clearly marked. No matter what speed you’re going, if you don’t know where your car is supposed to be, you’re far more likely to hit something.

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