Sorry Kid, You’re Not Invited

By: Mr. Wilson on June 6, 2007
Tonight will mark a significant departure from nearly a year of tradition for the Wilsons. For several years now The Missus and I have used Wednesday nights as our Date Night. Since Robbie showed up a year ago, he has always been invited to Date Night. But not tonight. Robbie is a toddler now, and we have discovered that toddlers and Date Night aren't very compatible. That leaves The Missus and I free to go just about anywhere for dinner. That's the good news. The (sort of) bad news is we may not be able to leave Robbie with a sitter every week (for reasons I won't get into), so Date Night might have to change from a night of going out to a night of staying in. That isn't the end of the world, of course. And we can always experiment with picnics. But if that's what happens, it will be different. So just in case tonight is our last weekly night out on the town for a while, I figure we should mark the occasion somehow. My first inclination is to hit 9 South Chargrill since we have already tried to go there twice and failed both times. But maybe we should go some place to mark the (potential) tradition transition. Or perhaps we should use one of the gift certificates we have sitting around. Hmm. I do know it has been too long since we have been to Ivanna Cone. If we end up anywhere near Downtown, we are soooo there.


See what your friends and neighbors have to say about this.

Mrs CU
June 6, 2007 at 3:46PM

Call, I’d be willing to do a few Wednesday nights after July 4th….no charge.

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