Sorry About Your Mailbox. Here’s the Bill

By: Mr. Wilson on December 5, 2008
While perusing Lincoln's snow plan, I noticed this paragraph:
The public right of way, including those areas between the sidewalk on both sides of most roadways, is owned by the City. Private property owners are allowed to place objects such as mailboxes, sprinkler systems, landscaping and driveways in the public right of way. Property owners are responsible for maintenance, replacement or any damages to the objects on City property caused by, but not limited to, snow removal, street sweeping or other City activities.
If a City vehicle runs down my mailbox, I'm responsible? Well that stinks. Some 20 years ago City snowplows had a habit of mutilating my parents' mailbox. In at least one case I know they replaced the mailbox at the City's expense. I may have been naive in assuming that was the official policy. Maybe the policy has changed, or maybe my parents just put up a big enough fuss due to the repeated occurrences. Now I'm curious just how far the City can and does take its exemption from responsibility. Does the City ever pay for damage done to turf or property in the right of way? What if the damage-doer is performing "City activities" on a contract basis? How about refuse companies which, although private, are in many ways doing important "City activities"? Perhaps some of you with experience in these things can chip in some thoughts.


See what your friends and neighbors have to say about this.

December 5, 2008 at 3:13PM

I knew someone who had one of those really nice mailboxes made out of brick and his was completely demolished by a snowplow. I think he had to replace it at his expense.

December 5, 2008 at 3:14PM

I would ask him, but I’m kind of reluctant to bring it up again. It’s a bit of a sore spot with him.

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