Somebody ‘splain it to me

By: Mr. Wilson on January 12, 2005
I could use some help understanding all the furor over the Randy Moss "Moongate" incident up in Cheeseheadland. What's the big deal? He didn't actually drop trou. The act was relevant (Packers fans are prone to mooning the opposing team's bus). Relative to much of what professional athletes get away with, a faux-mooning seems pretty tame. Drugs and violence are OK, but mime mooning is beyond the pale? Obviously I don't know what the hell I'm talking about because pretty much every commentator and columnist thinks Moss should be flayed, flambeed, and fed to the sharks. Can anybody shed light on this for me? [update]Moss has been fined $10,000 for his actions.[/update]


See what your friends and neighbors have to say about this.

Mr. T
January 12, 2005 at 11:01PM

The whole thing wouldn’t even be an issue if it wasnt for all the furor over janet jackson and the whole sex/violence on TV stick-up-our-collective-ass hangup this society has. I watched that, and literally one second afterwords the broadcaster started vehemently denouncing the “disgusting display” and apologizing for showing it on live TV. Obviously they were worried about getting fined again.

Anyway, you are right. Its not a big deal at all. He’s Randy Moss. Randy Moss does such things.

Mr. T
January 14, 2005 at 5:45AM

A friend of mine this evening said that the vikings will get slaughtered this weekend by the eagles. As was just announced… looks like the moral police won and Randy Moss has been punished. Oh well, the vikings-world is like an alternate world…

To any higher-ups listening…please….give Minnesota a break and let us win for a change.

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