Some Good News for O Street

By: Mr. Wilson on December 17, 2008
Hey, would you look at that? The stretch of O Street between 48th and 56th got some good news. According to Matt Olberding, Barnes and Noble is staying put. That's one nick against the rumor mill. Oh well, I've got to think it was the right decision for B&N. Gateway might have been a good move, but I'm not sure if Lincolnites would have made it work. With Barnes and Noble staying put and Staples coming to the area in a couple years, that big chunk of real estate east of 52nd Street could be pretty valuable. What would you put there, if you were a developer?


See what your friends and neighbors have to say about this.

December 17, 2008 at 3:04PM

How about a high rise retail/condo thingamajig?

Oh wai….

West A Dad
December 17, 2008 at 4:27PM

Walgreens?  Oh wai….

(Thanks Gene, made me laugh)

December 17, 2008 at 7:20PM

How about taking all the property of the Villager and Cooper Theater and build something we are really short of here in Lincoln.  The World’s largest sports bar.

December 22, 2008 at 4:53PM

We could come up with a great name, maybe something like “cool crest” , the kids would love it (until the city tears it down and replaces it with an empty blockbuster music and generic tgi Fridays…)

December 27, 2008 at 3:34PM

I’d bulldoze the Villager and the old theatre next to it and either a) put in a mixed use development that had condos, a restaurant, a pub, and maybe a little retail or b) a midtown Bus station that offered park and ride.

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