Sick Kids are No Fun

By: Mr. Wilson on March 7, 2008
Boy, Robbie sure had a rough day yesterday. After a promising start, he spent most of the day as a ragdoll on the couch. He didn't even have the energy to sit up by himself. The worst came around dinner time when his fever peaked at 104.5. Fortunately, it dropped after that, and by 10:30 it was down to 99.5. This morning Robbie seems to be fever-free. He still doesn't have the energy to walk very far (or even the ability to stand still without wobbling), and he's only about 50% of his normal self. But he's doing better. Now the countdown is on for either The Missus or me to end up just as sick. The Missus already has a cold, so I think I'll be the lucky recipient of the full shebang. If you enjoy your health, you may want to stay away from me for a few days.


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