Scoot on Over, Amigos, and Grab Yourself Some Coffee

By: Mr. Wilson on August 15, 2008
Coffee lovers, rejoice! The former Amigo's/Kings at 33rd and Highway 2 is soon to become Omaha's favorite coffee chain, Scooter's. Meanwhile, the coffee agnostic (like me) will continue to wonder: what's so great about burnt bean water?


See what your friends and neighbors have to say about this.

August 15, 2008 at 8:21PM

I’ll rejoice. Mostly, because it fills an empty business that I was expecting to sit empty for a long time.

August 16, 2008 at 4:34PM

I drove by the other day and noticed all the FOR RENT or FOR SALE signs down. Probably is a good spot for a Scooters, but I agree with Mr. W. I don’t touch the stuff.

August 17, 2008 at 4:32AM

I cannot fathom getting coffee from a place when you can grind and brew amazing blends at home.  Is free wifi worth an over priced drink?

Diet dew does the same thing.

August 18, 2008 at 1:01PM

It provides a laid back atmosphere for meeting people, usually you can assume that you will meet someone intellectually interesting there, and I many want to get together in a mixed group in a place that isn’t my home for several reasons-space, my kids being a distraction, my choice in coffee being reviled by others. There is a place for Scooter’s, though I tend to frequent the local places more.

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