Run With the Big Dogs

By: Mr. T on February 6, 2012
It’s been a while since we first visited Frank & Simon’s Great Food on West O St. Since then, F&S has well established itself as a popular deli, sandwich, and salad place with a loyal following. To celebrate the end of its first very successful year, Frank & Simon’s will be convening the First Annual Run With the Big Dogs hot dog eating contest on Friday, February 24, 2012 (doors open at 6:15 PM and competition begins at 7 PM). Entry fee is $25. Whatever complete maniac can first eat fifteen hot dogs and buns will win a trophy AND a 3 day/ 2 night vacation for two. Additionally, all entrants will receive a T-shirt and also be entered into a random drawing for ANOTHER 3 day/ 2 night vacation for two. Finally, for a $5 donation, there will be an accompanying “Best Dressed Dog Contest” in which participants will race to design an amazing hot dog. The best dressed dog contest will earn the winner a pogocard. This sounds like a lot of fun, and there will be generous amount of prizes. The contest will raise money for Best of Business local charity fund. Registration deadline for the contest is February 10. Frank & Simon’s is open Monday through Saturday, and is located at 201 Capitol Beach Blvd.


See what your friends and neighbors have to say about this.

February 6, 2012 at 2:35PM

I just informed my husband that his training begins tonight.  That unnamed vacation is OURS!  (baaawwaaahhhaaaa)

We are so there.

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