Robbie’s First Spinning Ride

By: Mr. Wilson on August 18, 2008
The Wilsons went to the Christ Schools Fifth Annual Family Film Festival last night. They had a bunch of games, blow-up slides and bounce houses, a police car, a fire truck, and so on. They also had a ride that Robbie was really interested in trying. The man running it said The Missus was small enough that she could ride with him, so we thought, "What the heck". Famous last words? Robbie was enthusiastic from outside the gate, but once he got on, he wasn't so sure any more. Robbie and The Missus on a ride. Robbie looks uncertain. Uh oh, is he going to get sick? Robbie and The Missus on a ride. Robbie looks a little ill. Now he's relaxing a bit. Robbie and The Missus on a ride. Robbie looks much more relaxed. Aha, there we go! Now he's making faces for the camera. Robbie and The Missus on a ride. Robbie is making a face at the camera And so Robbie's first amusement park-style ride was a success. Next up: roller coasters! Well, ok, maybe in a few years.


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