Results Are In, Lincoln Yawns

By: Mr. Wilson on April 6, 2011
Yesterday's primary election wasn't something to get excited about for most Lincoln residents. Only a couple races mattered; everybody else was automatically on their way to the general election. It was such a yawner I even forgot to write something about it yesterday. Oops. In one of the races that mattered, Deena Winter was knocked out of her City Council bid. Jonathan Cook and Travis Nelson move on. Ms. Winter probably has more name recognition than Mr. Nelson, but Nelson comes packaged with a party affiliation. Still, Winter came pretty close. I doubt we've seen the last of her in local politics. Speaking of party affiliation, I have to suspect that party line voters played a role in Tammy Buffington's strong showing. And yes, in her case I'm calling 33% "strong". Ms. Buffington has demonstrated almost zero leadership potential and I have yet to meet a person who thinks she would make a good mayor. The best I've heard so far is "She's not that bad". Lukewarm praise. Not that Chris Beutler has earned himself a ticker tape parade, of course, but he has performed well overall in his role as mayor. The Antelope Valley Project is progressing well; his support for the Haymarket arena was vindicated by voters; a new building is finally under construction in the old Star Ship 9 location; and he has done about as well as can be expected with a very crappy budget situation. Mayor Beutler may not be Mr. Excitement, but he's getting the job done. Oh yeah, there was an Airport Authority vote, too. I ... I've got nothin'. Thanks to those of you who voted. Next up: the general election.


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April 6, 2011 at 2:06PM

I think the LJS is kind of getting a kick out of Deena being knocked out of the race. I don’t live in her district, so I can’t speak to her campaign tactics. My hunch is you need a stronger platform than “I will not take any money from anyone other than individuals, I hate roundabouts, and I have Roger Yant on my side.” The downside is that now that it’s over, I suspect she’ll blame lack of funds for the defeat.

April 6, 2011 at 5:01PM

I live in Deena’s district, and we didn’t experience any of her campaign tactics at our house. We did get a couple of mailings each from Cook and Nelson and had at least three visits from Nelson’s campaigners (one while we were home and the others evidenced by leave-behinds on our doorstep). I’m sure funds/common sense forces candidates to strategically focus what dollars they have where they think that they can gin up the most support.

Deena lost any consideration by me when she based her opposition of the 14th & Superior roundabout on LJS commenters. Cook gives me the creeps, so I voted for Nelson.

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