Reflections on Family Time

By: Mr. Wilson on January 3, 2007
This is my first day back at work since December 15. Here is a look back at some of the things that happened in that time:
  • For the second time ever, I completely shaved my head. I even managed not to remove large chunks of skin like I did last time. The main difference this time is that I plan to keep it shaved for a good while. So far I've only noticed one annoyance: everybody seems to think it is their duty to inform the bald guy that he "really should wear a hat" on a cold day.
  • Robbie fought off his first ear infection like a trooper. It really sucked seeing him not feel well. He's normally such an active, bubbly, friendly kid. While he was sick he hardly smiled or laughed, he didn't babble very much, and he didn't really want to play. Blah.
  • Feeling in a grumpy, un-Christmasy mood? Spend Christmas with babies, boxes, wrapping paper, and bows. That's all you need.
  • Robert changed so much in the past couple weeks. He's starting to figure out that crawling thing, slowly but surely. He has always been a stander, but now he really loves to stand. He learned how to pull himself up to standing. (The first time he did that was in his crib. Quite a surprise to The Missus when she walked in.) He has even learned how to walk, very very slowly, while pushing a little cart thingy. He's seven months old and he can walk himself across the room. Crazy! Still no teeth, though. Just lots of drool.
  • Robert is entering the phase in which he freaks out when mom leaves the room. When dad leaves the room it's like, "Hey, that goofy guy left. Oh well". But when mom leaves the room, it's "Dear God, where did she go?! Mom! Mom! Come back!" Which, of course, really makes The Missus eager to go back to work. Fortunately he chills out after a few seconds. For now.
  • I've been working on Lincolnite behind the scenes, along with some freelance web development work. I now have clients in Toronto, San Francisco, and upstate New York. Once I get a few items crossed off my to-do list I hope to start on some local projects.


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Mr. T
January 4, 2007 at 2:16AM

For the second time ever, I completely shaved my head. I even managed not to remove large chunks of skin like I did last time. The main difference this time is that I plan to keep it shaved for a good while.

Excellent move on your part. The Yul Brynner look goes well with you. You should check out “Westworld” if you haven’t already.

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